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Colour Balance Study

Another novel concept introduced by Maarc Labs to the sugar industry is the colour balance study. The presentation given by Dr.VasudhaKeskar and Dr.S.S.Nimbalkar ON “Colour Balance Study” at ISSCT congress New Delhi(1999 ) proved to be a breakthrough for INDIAN SUGAR INDUSTRY .Since then with help of our guidance a large number of sugar factories executed the practice of colour balance study to improve their process.

Colour Balance Study

Our team of scientists spends time at your facility drawing samples from various stages of your process to measure the colour. You can understand the goings on in the process with respect to colour development /removal. The study helps you identifying the problematic stations so that corrective actions can be taken in order to produce good quality and low coloured sugar .The technique receives unbeatable importance especially when factories supply sugar of stringent colour specification to institutional buyers .